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Writer's pictureShebreh Kalantari-Johnson

Thank you for running, Shebreh!

A letter to the editor

By Allison Guevara

I’d like to thank Shebreh Kalantari Johnson for running for the Board of Supervisors. She has the right experience in education and work, including her role as a mother, to improve policymaking for children and their families. Upstream childhood investments yield tomorrow’s problem solvers and creative thinkers, while failure to prioritize these critical years predicts costly consequences down the road. Shebreh understands this. She knows the Board can positively impact our most vexing challenges such as the economy, homelessness, and public safety, by delivering and strengthening holistic support for our families. Further, Shebreh has an innate ability to engage controversial issues in a noncontroversial way. This is a skill we desperately need in leadership at all levels, and we are fortunate to find it in her. Please join me in voting for Shebreh on June 7.

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